Who Are We | Chelmsford Self Defence

Who Are We?

Chelmsford Self Defence is a passionate and dedicated not-for-profit organization founded with the mission of making reality-based self-defence concepts accessible to everyone in the community. Our organization firmly believes that everyone has the right to feel safe and empowered, regardless of age, gender, or physical ability. Our approach to self-defence goes beyond just learning techniques; it focuses on easy to learn concepts and building confidence, awareness, and resilience to effectively handle real-life situations.

What is Our Vision

At Chelmsford Self Defence, we envision a community where individuals of all walks of life possess the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and others from potential threats. Our ultimate goal is to create an environment where fear is replaced with empowerment, where individuals feel equipped to face the challenges that may arise in their daily lives with confidence and composure.

What is Our Mission

Our core mission is to equip every member of the community with practical and effective self-defence skills, rooted in reality-based concepts. We are committed to providing comprehensive training and education that goes beyond just physical techniques. Through our expert instructors and diverse training programs, we aim to instill the principles of situational awareness, de-escalation, and assertiveness, empowering individuals to respond confidently to threatening situations.

What Sets Us Apart

Chelmsford Self Defence stands apart as a not-for-profit organization that prioritizes community well-being over financial gain. We firmly believe that self-defence knowledge is a fundamental right and should not be limited by financial constraints. As such, we strive to keep our training accessible to all members of the community by offering affordable or even free programs.

Our instructors are highly experienced and come from various backgrounds. This diverse expertise enables us to offer a well-rounded and holistic approach to self-defence training. Our programs are continuously updated to incorporate the latest developments and best practices, ensuring our members receive the most effective and relevant training possible.

Our Associations

Chelmsford Karate
Chelmsford Karate
Chelmsford Karate

Contact Info

Address: United Reformed Church, North Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 2AL

Drop us an email or give us a call

Phone: 01245 330932

Mobile: 07951321480

Email: info@chelmsfordselfdefence.com

Where are we Located?

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